Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wandering--and coming to rest

He looks like anybody's grandpa, this former Syracuse firefighter, striken with dementia and missing from home since Jan. 2. Here it is two and a half months later, and police report finding a body on the shore of Onondaga Lake.

The body found is clothed the same way Frank Wlosinski was clothed the afternoon he went missing. Even though identifications have not been made, my heart weeps for this man's family.

While a missing child is "every parent's worst nightmare," I imagine that a missing parent, with Alzheimer's, becomes a grown child's. How can the worry NOT consume every moment? To know that Dad/Brother/Grandpa is out there, somewhere, wandering and lost and afraid?

Hopefully, the discovery of this man's body brings his family some sense of relief that he is, finally, home.

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